Monday, October 27, 2008

***** TAG I"M IT ******

I AM~ In the process of finding out who I really am.

I HAVE~ the best child in the world!!

I THINK~ too much about what if's

I KNOW~ that I have my family behind me 100%

I WANT~ to know all the answers to everything

I DISLIKE~ feeling not good enough

I MISS~ Not having bills to pay and just living care free

I FEAR~ Being alone and what if this all turns out for the worst

I SMELL~ Nothing right now my nose has been stuffy for 2 weeks

I CRAVE~ love all the time and the feeling of being loved

I CRY~ Way too much

I USUALLY~ Try to hard to be perfect

I WONDER~ Why things are so hard sometimes

I REGRET~ Alot of things from my past

I LOVE~ Kyson, my family, Andrew, and all my friends that are a big part in my life

I CARE~ Way too much what people think

I ALWAYS~ Put peoples feelings before mine.

I WORRY~ Way too much about every little thing

I AM NOT~ A quiet person

I REMEMBER~ sitting in the camper and making up our song about Jenni Lee. that song always makes me laugh

I BELIEVE~ That life is what you make it and to live day by day cuz you never know
how tomorrow is going to be.

I DANCE~ to my own little tune, and usually when I'm home alone

I SING~ All the time to every song I know.

I DON"T ALWAYS~ Do what I should

I ARGUE~ When I think thatr I am right or when people tell me what I don't wanna hear

I WRITE~ not as much as I used to. I should back on that

I WIN~ When me and Kellie are partners at sequence

I LOSE~ When I wrestle with Andrew

I WISH~ That life could be perfect and that I could be happy all the time

I DON"T UNDERSTAND~ Life in general

I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND~ Playing with Ky or with Andrew or both

I NEED~ A vacation to where I won't sit and worry about whats going on in my life right now

I FORGET~ Everything, mostly turning off lights in the house

I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT~ My family and the people that I have in my life that mean the world to me and that make me who I am. I know that they are there for me and that I could turn to them for anything and that if I needed them that they would be there no question. I love them and are forever thankful for them!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

steph i love you so much girl!!!